The CBD & THC Tincture

A what? A tincture. Tinctures are made of high-proof alcohol-based extracts typically dispensed via a glass bottle with a dropper. A tincture is generally housed in a small dark-colored bottle to prevent light from affecting the quality of the product. A best practice is to store tinctures in a cool dark place to ensure the […]
The CBD & THC Tincture

A what? A tincture. Tinctures are made of high-proof alcohol-based extracts typically dispensed via a glass bottle with a dropper. A tincture is generally housed in a small dark-colored bottle to prevent light from affecting the quality of the product. A best practice is to store tinctures in a cool dark place to ensure the […]
Studying While High (On Weed): The Pros and Cons

So, you are in your room smoking a joint and wondering if it is going to help you with your studies. Well, if you do not have the answer yet, this article is going to help you through it. As per a study report from ClinicalKey, marijuana craving and use are somewhat related. But anyhow, […]
Ayahuasca Purple By Barney’s Farm: Strain Info & Grow Journal

A lover of language or not, most cannot help but be intrigued by cannabis strain names; think Lemon Sour Diesel, Island Sweet Skunk, OG Shark. Despite the title perhaps swaying one’s decision-making, most people have a preferred form of cannabis, whether dried leaves or flowers, seeds or oil. So, when choosing your favorite ‘high’, what […]
Why Don’t Edibles Get Me High? This Is The Reason

Cannabis edibles are becoming more popular with time. They are a delightful treat and effective. With edible cannabis, you can get high but differently. It doesn’t require you to vape or smoke. Cannabis edibles offer an alternative way to enjoy the advantages that cannabis has to offer. Edibles can be beverages or food containing a certain […]
How To Sober Up From Weed: The Best Ways To ‘Stay-Safe’

Here Are Our Favorite Remedies For The Negative Effects Of THC Medical marijuana (MMJ) is well-known for its soothing and medical uses for treating anxiety and managing pain. However, over-consumption of cannabis has negative effects too, which can leave you feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, paranoia, and overall discomfort. Many refer to this as a “bad […]
How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card In Your State – The Ultimate Guide

How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card – The Ultimate Guide There are different ways to get a Medical Marijuana Card. However, you should be extra careful to avoid falling for unlicensed card mills and price traps. The process of obtaining a Medical Marijuana Certification involves a licensed Medical Marijuana Doctor, who gives the patient […]
Top 20 Marijuana Documentaries To Watch | Ultimate Guide With Trailers

Marijuana Documentaries, Netflix Shows & More – We Made The Ultimate List For You! In the past decade, general perceptions towards cannabis and even jurisdictions in countries globally have shifted. It used to be looked down on and its medical effects were overlooked. Today, marijuana is available in various forms at regulated dispensaries with 33+ […]
Best 14 Online Medical Marijuana Doctors In PA

Here Is A List Of Doctors That Offer Medical Marijuana Evaluations Via Telemedicine In PA In Pennsylvania, you can now apply for a medical marijuana card online. Recent changes to the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Program mean that you can now attend one appointment with one of the licensed MMJ doctors and fill out the state-mandated […]
How To Get A Medical Cannabis Card In Pennsylvania

About Medicinal Marijuana In Pennsylvania For four years now, any patient who possesses a signed recommendation from their physician is permitted to possess and use marijuana for medicinal use. On April 12, 2016, Senate Bill 3 was approved by the Senate and then by the House, decriminalizing the use of cannabis among any patient who […]
PA Medical Marijuana And Guns In 2021: Can I Own A Gun & Card?

Information For All PA Medical Marijuana Cardholders The legalization of medical marijuana in Pennsylvania has meant that countless patients in PA have been able to improve their quality of life via the prescribed use of medical cannabis. Possessing a medical marijuana card enables citizens of the state to purchase medical cannabis from any approved dispensary […]
Best Terpenes For Pain Relief & Inflammation

Can The Best Terpenes Relieve Pain And Inflammation? Terpenes play a significant role in the analgesic (pain-relieving) and anti-inflammatory effects of medical cannabis. Most people are aware of the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids but are less familiar with the important part that terpenes play in the plant’s healing properties. Read on to learn more about […]